Life in Jamaica
facts by:
The current population of Jamaica, as of October 22, 2015, is 2,783,701.
Births this year: 41, 960
Deaths this year: 14, 292
Net migration this year: (-11, 670)
Population growth this year: 15, 997
As of 2012, the total births per woman was 2.28, more than Bahamas and Cuba.
Current male population: 1, 370, 102 (49.2%)
Current female population: 1, 413, 599 (50.8%)
Total adult literacy rate (%) 2008-2012*
is 87%.
Children in a Jamaican classroom |
Immunizations of HepB, Polio, Tetanus, ect. as of 2012 were at high rates of 80-99%.
Routine EPI vaccines financed by government (%) 2012 was at 100% in 2012. |
Here are some statistics on AIDs and HIV in Jamaica as of 2014.
Number of people living with HIV: 29,000
Women of age 15 living with HIV: 11,000
Deaths due to AIDS: 1,300